
Downloadable Papers and Handouts

Recent Work 

To appear. Determiners and Gender. In The Oxford Handbook of Determiners. Oxford: OUP.

To appear. Syncretism. In The Cambridge Handbook of Distributed Morphology. Cambridge: CUP.

2023a. Different Number, Different Gender: Comparing Romanian and Guébie. Glossa.

2023b. The Morphosyntax of Imperative Agreement in Amharic. Brill's Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics.

2020.  Grammatical Gender: A Close Look at Gender Assignment Across Languages. Annual Review of Linguistics.

2019a. Gender switch in Sidaama. Brill's Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics

2019b. A Novel Kind of Gender Syncretism. In Gender and Noun Classification. Oxford: OUP.

2018a. Doubled Clitics are Pronouns: Amharic Objects (and Beyond). Natural Language and Linguistic Theory.

2018b. Number and Gender Agreement in Saudi Arabic: Morphology vs. Syntax. Proceedings of TLS 17.

2017. General Number Nouns in Amharic Lack NumP. In Asking the Right Questions: Essays in Honor of Sandra Chung.

2016a. A Split Analysis of Plurality: Number in Amharic. Linguistic Inquiry 47. 527-559.

2016b. The Location of Gender Features in the Syntax. Language and Linguistics Compass 10. 661-677.

2016c. Syncretism in Paradigm Function Morphology and Distributed Morphology. In Morphological Metatheory. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

2015. The Morphosyntax of Gender. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2014a. Clitic Doubling or Object Agreement: The View from Amharic. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 32. 593-634.

2014b. Rethinking Amharic Prepositions as Case Markers Inserted at PF. Lingua 145. 141-172.

2014c. Gender in Amharic: A Morphosyntactic Approach to Natural and Grammatical Gender. Language Sciences 43. 102-115.

2013a. Plural Shifted Indexicals are Plural: Evidence from Amharic. Handout from a paper presented at NELS 44.

2013b. Applicative Verbs in Amharic. Handout from a paper presented at the Afranaph Project Development Workshop II.

2012. Verb-Medial Word Orders in Amharic . Journal of Afroasiatic Languages 5. 75-104.

2010. The Amharic Definite Marker and the Syntax-Morphology Interface. Syntax 13. 196-240.

2009. Definite Markers, Phi Features and Agreement: A Morphosyntactic Investigation of the Amharic DP. Doctoral dissertation, University of California, Santa Cruz.

Papers on Egyptian 

2013. The Position of Numerals in Middle Egyptian: Evidence from Universals of Word Order. Lingua Aegyptia 21. 131-137.

2012. Egyptian. Chapter in the volume Semitic and Afroasiatic: Challenges and Opportunities.

2009. VSO and SVO word order in Middle Egyptian. In Afroasiatic Studies in Memory of Robert Hetzron, ed. C. Häberl. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press. 92-147.

2008. Virtual relative clauses in Middle Egyptian. In The Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 40). Volume 2. eds. N. Adams et al. 135-149.

2006. Root and pattern morphology in Coptic: Evidence for the root. In The Proceedings of NELS 36, eds. C. Davis, A.R. Deal and Y. Zabbal. 399-412. Amherst: GLSA.

Polarity Particles

2011. Polarity particles: an ellipsis account. In The Proceedings of NELS 39. Amherst: GLSA. (co-authored with Kyle Rawlins)